Breastfeeding and pumping

First of all, when it comes to deciding whether or not to breastfeed, you will make the wrong choice; at least, according to everyone else. If you decide not to breastfeed, you’re a terrible mother who’s setting her child up for a lifetime of sorrow. If you decide you are going to breastfeed, you’ll eat all the wrong things and set your child up for a lifetime of sorrow, and also be a disgrace to society for nursing in public. Formula is expensive, but breastfeeding accoutrements are also expensive. And then on top of all that, sometimes your body has firm opinions of its own.

It’s a personal choice, but if you’re planning to BF and want my opinion (skip ahead if you don’t): Give it the old college try for the first couple weeks, and then listen to your body. The best thing for your baby is to have a happy, relaxed mama. Do what it takes to protect your sanity, and to hell with the haters.

Last updated: Feb 28, 2021


  • Your health insurance should cover the cost of a breast pump, but they may only cover specific models.

  • Some insurances have restrictions on not buying them too early; I think our cutoff was not before 27 weeks.

Breast pump recommendations: Spectra vs. Medela

  • Having used both, I think Spectra is better than Medela Pump-In-Style. Fewer parts, easier to clean, much quieter, cuter.

  • Medela Symphony (the hospital grade one) is probably the best I've used, experience-wise, but the bits are still fiddlier than Spectra.

  • I got the Spectra S1, but the Spectra S2 is the same, it just has to be plugged into an outlet. (And it’s very pink.)

  • If you’re working with a lactation consultant, get them to show you how to use this, and to check your breast shield size.

Useful accessories

  • Hakaa - A simple way to collect extra milk without pumping while the baby feeds on the other side. Really good to have the first few weeks/months especially, before your supply stabilizes.

  • Manual breast pump - I never figured out how to use one for actual pumping, but it was still very useful to take the edge off between pumping/feeding sessions when I was out and about. I used an older model, but the Medela Harmony gets better reviews.

  • Lasinoh storage bags - For freezing your milk.

  • Sharpie - For writing dates on milk bags.

  • Lanolin cream - For your nipples before you shower.

  • Coconut oil - For your nipples after every feeding; the regular kind from the store is fine.

  • Unpadded nursing bra - I liked the Bravado.

  • Pumping bra - This was a game changer for me; hands-free pumping! My favorite was the Simple Wishes Supermom. Even if you’re not pumping, it’s a good lightly padded option.

  • Medela Symphony kit - If your work has the hospital grade pump, you’ll need the Symphony Double Pumping system. It’s not the same as the Pump-in-Style tubes.

Information is provided for educational purposes only.

Katie Arathoon

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